Your tasks
Selling drinks, food and snacks to patients and our employees, preparing small meals and operating and cleaning the coffee machine as well as managing the cash register
Your qualifications
Get in touch with us if „service“ is not a foreign word to you and you thrive on dealing with people on a daily basis.
Plannable working hours;
Weekend shifts on average twice a month, with fixed compensation days;
Sunday and public holiday allowance;
Fixed duty roster for one month, „time off at will“ is taken into account;
Vacation and pay according to collective agreement;
Not only the health of our patients is important to us. But yours too! We pay you a health bonus at the end of the year. You can use our swimming pool and gym free of charge;
BusinessBike: With discounted bicycle leasing, you can travel in an environmentally conscious and healthy way;
Contribution to your old-age pension and thus „provide for later“.