Genuss & Harmonie

Gastronomy Manager (*) - Catering Coordinator

Raum Düsseldorf
Gastronomy, Others
Active since: 09.10.2024
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Your secret weapons…

  • Training as a chef and experience in this position
  • Creativity and passion for your craft and your team
  • Enjoy numbers, administrative tasks and strong communication skills

Your mission…

  • You are the captain of the team and your face is framed in the customer’s office
  • As a team player, you show your host qualities every day in everyday operations
  • Culinary excellence and creative dishes, but also numbers and administrative tasks on the PC fill your everyday life as a superhero

Our hero boosters for you…

  • 30 days off from being a superhero
  • Do you care about your free time? You’ll have time for yourself and your family on your evenings and weekends off
  • A permanent employment contract with a renowned employer with around 1,700 employees
  • We provide a delicious lunch every day and your superhero costume
  • Flat hierarchies and a motivated team

Start your mission now..

Send your resume You are welcome to ask me, Sabrina , if you have any initial questions
i can be reached at 0151-10093462 . We look forward to hearing from you!

Additional job locations
Raum Düsseldorf
Entry date
No specification
Contract tye
No specification
No specification
Sabrina Bender
Tel.: +49 (0) 151 1009 3462
Employer Info
Genuss & Harmonie
Genuss & Harmonie Holding GmbH
Harrlachweg 3
68163 Mannheim

Zum Arbeitgeber-Profil
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